Se nessuno l'ha ancora provato:
It is a 3D sculpting application similar to ZBrush, Sculptris or Mudbox, but it runs entirely inside your browser (or locally via Electron if you prefer). Features from SculptGL include:
Sculpting tools
Standard tools : Brush, Inflate, Smooth, Twist, Drag, etc
PBR Vertex Painting (color, roughness, metalness)
Alpha texture support for each tools
Multiresolution sculpting
Quad-tri Subdivison (catmull-clark/loop)
Reversion (compute opposite of subdvision if possible)
Navigating from low/high poly level subdiv will retain sculpting changes
keep UVs (both reversion and subdivison)
Voxel remeshing
Uses SurfaceNets meshing algorithm (produces quad-only mesh)
Uniform remeshing (quads will have the same size)
Can also create non-manifold vertex 🙁
In case of a non closed mesh, a naive holefilling algorithm is performed first
Deletes UV
Dynamic topology
Triangles only
Operates in real time
Local subdivision (create new triangles)
Local decimation (deletes triangles)
Deletes UV
Supports OBJ, PLY, STL import/export
Reads vertex color
Optimizes post and pre transform cache (tipsy algorithm)
Undo/Redo support
It is an open source MIT licensed project with the source available on Github.